
I’m Pipa, I’m a British broadcaster, have worked in TV and Radio for the last 20+ years and these days have one foot in the broadcasting world and one foot in the writing world. My Substack page is called Women What Whistle, because I write about being women who stop giving a shit about what they should do and get on with doing the things that matter to them, pushing boundaries, doing what someone once said they couldn’t do, etc!

There are also over 100 podcast episodes on everything from self-image to diets and eating disorders, to how to have good sex, coping with grief, overcoming trauma, healthy selfish, love languages, hormones, there’s loads. And more recently, it’s encompassed, through the stories of other women, more about bravery and being ourselves. And that really is my ‘thing’: understanding ourselves, knowing our minds and being who we are. It’s the best recipe for fulfilment, contentment and finding the elusive ‘happiness’ (tip: stop looking, start being).

So, it’s lovely to meet you, and thanks for clicking this far!

Subscribing doesn’t cost money!

All you need to do is click the link below and pop your email in the box to ensure you don’t miss anything. It is free. As a heads up, I am thinking about reintroducing an option to be a paid subscriber again later in the year, but am still in the process of figuring out what that would be and how it would work - and you could be really helpful there as I’d love to know what you’d like too.

The wonderful thing about this platform is that every new edition drops directly into your email inbox, and you can read/listen/share from there. So, if you would like to join Women What Whistle and read my ramblings, please click on the button, and I look forward to getting to know you.

Thank you and much love as always, Pipa x

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Because life's too precious and too short, to fall in line or fake it.


'Just be yourself!' they say! 'But who am I?' you say. It took me years to figure out what it meant to walk in my own shoes, ditching the shoulds and 'doing me,' and that's pretty much what I write about—the soulful journey to find and be ourselves.